Before you read this, stop and take a look at your fingernails. Look at their texture, the color of the nail bed, and the white moons at the bottom of the fingernail. Your nails may tell a story of what is happening to you internally.
For example:
- If your fingernail bed is short and wide, it may be a sign of possible heart issues.
- If you have beads that look like pearls at the tip of the nail it often refers to arthritis or joint issues.
- If you look at your nail from the side and it is clubbed you may need to breath deeper as it is sometimes a sign of respiratory issues.
- A dark band at the top of the nail bed is an indicator the liver may not be functioning at full capacity.
- A white arch in the center of the nail bed is an indicator of possible kidney issues.
- Vertical splitting throughout the whole nail is an indicator that your adrenals may be in trouble.
- White spots on the nail bed refer to hormonal issues.
- Horizontal ridges throughout the entire nail suggest that you may not be able to rid yourself of stress as much as you need to.
If you noticed one or more of the things that I mentioned above, don’t panic! Like I said earlier, your nails can give you clues. Clues – not a diagnosis! So if you have any of these signs just pay a little bit more attention and see if you need to take any additional steps to ensure that you stay in tip top shape.
I hope this information helps you on your journey to better health. It truly is amazing what we can find out about ourselves by just paying attention to our bodies, and not waiting for them to start shouting at us before we react!
To Your Health!
Gail Grieger
* I initially learned about these health indicators while earning my certification as a family herbalist (CFH) and the information presented here are the findings of Dr. Thomas Anstett, ND.