1. Oregano oil is a natural remedy for colds and other winter ailments?
Recent research documents that as many as 80% of all chronic sinus, ear and lung problems are due to mold and fungal infections. Even skin disease particularly dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis are due to fungus. Oregano has been found to be the most powerful for halting the growth of fungi.
By putting a few drops of this essential oil on the soles of your feet and/or your tailbone this powerful oil gets right into the bloodstream and starts to clean the body. I use oregano every day starting the end of October until the middle of March on the soles of my feet. I am happy to report I have not had the flu or cold in 5 years. You can pick a bottle up at my office the next time you stop in.
2. You should never warm your cold hands in warm water?
In these cold winter months our hands and fingers can quickly get that uncomfortable numb feeling when we have been outside in the cold too long. The best and safest way to warm your hands and fingers is to place them under your armpits! Seriously! This allows the tissue in your hands to gradually warm up to your normal body temperature. Sounds a bit smelly but it works!
3. Drinking water at specific times can boost your health?
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body. Try this:
Two glasses of water after waking helps activate internal organs.
One glass of water 30 minutes before a meal helps digestion.
One glass of water before taking a bath helps lower blood pressure.
One glass of water before going to bed helps to avoid stroke and heart attack. Water at bedtime also can prevent leg cramps.
I hope you are having a happy and healthy holiday season!
To your health!
Gail Grieger