There is a lot of bad or confusing information out there. Having the right information can help us to make better health decisions. The links below can offer good information that is easy to read, understand and apply to your daily routine.
About the Myths
Top 9 Fitness Myth – From WebMD
Myths About Exercise in Older Adults – from WebMD
16 Ridiculous Exercise Myths
About Fats
If you want a quick overview on good vs. bad fats, either of the two articles below might be helpful
Good Fats, Bad Fats: How to Choose – a 10 side overview of the good and bad fats, from
Dietary fats: Know Which Types to Choose – An easy to read article on this topic from Mayo Clinic
If you want a quick reference overview on fats and cholesterol, the article below is a good starting point.
Fats and Cholesterol – An article with five suggestions from the Harvard School of Public Health
Dietary Guidelines
There has been a lot said and written about diets and what is good and bad for you. The link below offers the most recent recommendations from the government. This was issued in 2010 and a new and updated version with new recommendation is due out next year. While most of the information is current, I will be interested to see if the new guidelines take into account the recent studies that indicate a lower level of carbs and higher levels of good fats in our diets.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans – From the US Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services
Regarding Diets
In an earlier post, I mentioned that the 17 Day Diet and the Mediterranean Diet are both healthy diets. If you are interested in learning more about either of these, you can start with the sites below.
17 Day Diet – To get the book (But I’d review all of the free stuff before buying the book!)
A Review of the 17 Day Diet – an objective review of the diet by WebMD.
The 17 Day Diet Blog – This blog offers some free advice on the diet and also some products for purchase. I have purchased a recipe booklet from this site that has some great recipes. But if you google 17 Day Diet you can also find a bunch of free recipes and chat groups.
Mediterranean Diet for Beginners – This is just one of many diet books that follow the diet. Go to Amazon and browse around if you are interested. Also, there are a bunch of free recipes online if you google the diet.
A Review of the Mediterranean Diet – An objective review of the diet by Mayo Clinic.
A few Other Resources
The Grain Brain. This book by Dr. David Perlmutter challenges many of our long held assumptions about diet and how it can impact our health. You may not agree with all of his conclusions, but there is so much good information in this book that I am recommending it to everyone who is interested in getting control of their diet. You can also check out Dr. Perlmutter’s blog.
Dr. Joseph Mercola is another popular health writer. He has a blog with a lot of interesting and timely articles that is worth exploring. One of his best resources is his Food Facts page which lists the health benefits of many popular natural foods.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my Myths Series. Beginning Friday I will begin adding some healthy recipes and information about preparing for a healthy winter season.
To Your Health!
Gail Grieger
Don’t forget to check out my Specials page and definitely check it out this Wednesday morning!